Code Compare Download Latest

Code Compare Latest Version

Free download Code Compare latest version from direct download link. It is a freeware that is developed to compare as well as merge differetn folders and files. You can read more description about this freeware according to its developers. Moreover, it has a paid software also named Code Compare Pro.

Code-compare-screenshotCode Compare is a free tool designed to compare and merge differing files and folders. Code Compare integrates with all popular source control systems: TFS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce. Code Compare is shipped both as a standalone file diff tool and a Visual Studio extension. Code Compare Pro edition of the tool is specially adapted for comparing source code files. It locates changes in code with regard to its structure. Code Compare Pro features 3-way file merge tool that allows resolving version control merge conflicts.

Text Comparison and Merging: Colored blocks for inserted, deleted, and modified text. Detailed highlights of changes within lines. Collapsing of unchanged regions of text (Pro-feature). Point-and-click merging with a mouse. Editing files on the fly. Merging shortcuts for advanced users. Structural Source Code Comparison: Syntax Highlighting for programming languages. Methods are matched in compared source code files. Similar lines of code are matched even after refactoring. Moved blocks of code are detected if source code is reordered in files. Difference Explorer window displays changes in code structure. Code outlining allows collapsing and expanding regions of code.

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Visual Studio Integration: Native Visual studio extension allows smooth integration. Visual Studio 2010, 2012, and 2013 supported. User can choose to use standalone or integrated version of Code Compare on the fly. Atmel Studio 6.0 and 6.1 supported. Code Review Support: Adding code review comments when comparing source file revisions. Viewing added review comments from a file comparison document. Highlighting of code regions with review comments. Feature works in combination with Review Assistant. Teams benefit more than solo developers.

Three-Way Comparison and Automatic Merging: Three comparison panes with horizontal and vertical layouts. Integrates with version control systems as the merging tool for conflicting file revisions. Non-conflicting changes are merged automatically. Merging conflicts are highlighted. One-click conflict resolution with a mouse button. Compares entire hierarchies of folders: Color-coding for added, deleted, and modified files. Filtering options for excluding or including of certain file types. Instant opening of individual file comparison documents. Display options for better comparison result analysis. Batch file copying from pane to pane or to selected folder.

10.81 MB.

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