Crazy Taxi Game Download
Free download Crazy Taxi PC game. It is a different type racing game. In Crazy Taxi, you are playing as a Taxi driver with some specific task within a time frame. If the time passed, or target not achieved, you fail. Crazy Taxi PC Game is developed by Sega.
Crazy Taxi is very easy to run on your PC. You have to download the setup file from the download link given below. After that, run the setup and install the game Crazy Taxi. If will take few minutes. If you are unable to understand the language during installation, then press the button with N for next.
Crazy Taxi will available in start program or search option after the installation. Run the game and then you are asked to press start button. Start button is Enter so press Enter to continue. You will see the main menu of Crazy Taxi game. This demo version has two inactive menus Arcade and Original. You can only avail the menus Crazy Box, Options, Records, Save & Load and Exit menus. From the options, you can set time setting, time difficulty, traffic difficulty and volume. Crazy box is the menu from where you can play the game. To enter any menu, use A button from keyboard. You are asked to enter your name. You can use only three characters for your name. To change the alphabet, use up and down arrow keys.
There are nine modes of the game described as 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3. There are only three modes active that are 1-1, 2-3 and 3-2. You can check the game Advice by pressing Enter button and to go back press Enter again. To start a mode press A button from keyboard. In 1-1 mode, your task is to pass the K point that is 150 m. In this mode, you have to make a jump for 150+ meters. To move the taxi, use up button. To stop, use Down while left and right arrow buttons are used for steering. For reverse gear, use A button while S button is used to set acceleration.
If you want to enjoy run taxi on road, select 3-2 mode. In this mode, you have to drop three passengers to different location within a time frame. 2-3 mode is on the sea with blocks. You have to reach the target within time. So download the game and enjoy the fun. (Review by pcfavour)