China Gate PC Game
Free download China Gate game for PC. It is very old arcade game developed by Plant Technos Co., Ltd for Mame 32. This is nice game for kids as well as for all. China Gate game can be played on PC with the help of Mame32 Emulator. There is no need to install or download any extra software, emulator and plugin to run this game.
China Gate is available within ZIP folder. This folder is a complete package to run the game China Gate. When you start the game, you have to select your players. There are three players from where you can select anyone of your choice. After that the mission will start. You have to eliminate your all little enemies using button 1. You can select any button as button 1 by the method given in the end of this post.
At the end of round 1, you have to kill the big enemy. You can use button 3 for use your special attack. Button 2 will help you to climb up and down to escape from the attack of your enemy. You have one chance with some life power. Your life power will show with a bar. When the bar end, your player will die. You can insert coin again from the place using 5 button and 1 button to start immediately.
How to play this game?
Download the compressed file and extract it. Double click on file “Mame32plus”. Now select the game “China Gate” in menu and make a double click on it. Game will start now press OK and then press Enter. You are now ready to play the game.
To set the game controls, press “Tab” button from keyboard and select “Input (this game)”. Now you can check the game play buttons e.g. insert coins for player 1, player 2 etc and button 1, button 2 and button 3 accordingly. By default, you have to press 5 button to insert the coin and 1 button to start with player 1.(Review by PCFavour)