Download EagleGet Latest Version
Free download Eagleget Download Manager. Download Eagleget latest version free from high speed direct download link. If you are looking for a free downloader just like IDM then EagleGet is the only best downloader for your PC. We can say it the best alternative to Internet Download Manager. EagleGet allows you to download all files such as software, media, documents and compressed folder in same way as you download with IDM.
EagleGet downloader can be installed along with IDM. You can select any of installed downloader to download a file by right clicking on the download link. From the menu, you can select “Download with EagleGet” or “Download with IDM”. Currently, Internet Download Manager is creating integration problem with Google Chrome but EagleGet is fully compatible with both Google Chrome and Firefox. When you start downloading with EagleGet, it will minimize the downloading file to the top right corner of your screen. You can watch and monitor the downloading speed and total downloaded percentage from the minimized bar.
EagleGet is working nicely with Dailymotion. If you want to watch video online from Dailymotion, Facebook or, EagleGet will never disturb you but if you will want to download the video then the download button will appear when you will take the mouse pointer on the video screen. Although it will not show you the separate parts of a single download, as you see in IDM, but will provide you the same downloading speed as you get with IDM.
You can add any file to download it manually from the URL of that file. To do this, you have to click on “Add Download” button from the menu bar of EagleGet downloader. The default path to keep the downloaded files through EagleGet is /Documents/EagleGet Downloads. You can change it anytime while you are downloading a file. If we compare EagleGet with IDM, then there is no difference. The only edge of EagleGet is that it is absolutely freeware. But Internet Download Manager takes advantage on EagleGet if you will download same file at same time. Doing this, you will see the IDM will download that file with high speed than EagleGet but if you download the file separately, then there is no difference of speed.
From configuration menu, you can set your configuration accordingly, but it is good to keep it by default. Left sidebar shows you the tasks. You can view it as a whole from “All” or can monitor it using “Processing” and “Completed” tasks. This sidebar can also show you the files according to the category such as Media, Documents, Software and Compressed. You can clean all tasks by clicking “Task Cleaner” from the top menu of EagleGet downloader. (Review by pcfavour)