Hook PC Game
Free download Hook game for PC. It is very popular arcade game from the 90s game developed for Mame32. Hook game was developed by Irem Software Engineering Inc. Hook game is arcade base game like Cadillac and Dinosaurs and Final Fight games.
Hook PC Game is very easy to download and play. As this is based on Mame32, so there is no need to install this game. This game is compressed into a zip folder that can be downloaded from the download link given below. After downloading the game, extract the folder and start the game according to the game play method given below.
In Hook game, there are 5 players from which you can select your player to play this game. This game is capable of four players at a time. After selecting your player, you are ready to play the game. You can create different attack varieties with your player. You can use flying kick(s) or simple punching attack.
Moreover, if you press jump and then press down button with combination of attack button, you will see another variety with all players. Each player has its own flying kick style and the ground attack. If your enemy hit you, your life bar at the top will decrease. You can increase this life bar by picking up food on the way. There is a time bar at the bottom of the screen. At the end of each stage, you have to defeat a giant boss that is a chef in first stage.
How to play this game?
Download the compressed file and extract it. Double click on file “Mame32plus”. Now select the game “Hook (World)” in menu and make a double click on it. Game will start now press OK and then press Enter. You are now ready to play the game.
To set the game controls, press “Tab” button from keyboard and select “Input (this game)”. Now you can check the game play buttons e.g. insert coins for player 1, player 2 etc and button 1, button 2 and button 3 accordingly. By default, you have to press 5 button to insert the coin and 1 button to start with player 1.(Review by pcfavour)