PC Decrapifier Download Latest Version

PC Decrapifier Latest Version

Download PC Decrapifier latest version free. Is your PC running slowly? Even brand new PCs often come with LOTS of pre-installed software that can cause that new machine to come to a crawl. Not to mention all of the annoying pop-ups! Others may have a PC that’s a couple years old and we’re the ones that installed a bunch of junk! It happens to the best of us. We try a bunch of programs over time and forget to remove them.

PC-Decrapifier-screenshot-downloadThe PC Decrapifier is here to help! It’s a free tool for you to use that helps remove programs, unnecessary startup items and icons that can slow down your PC. It takes you step by step, giving you recommendations on what to remove, many of which can be removed unattended. Head over to the download page to get started!

Are you a PC technician or commercial user that wants to use the PC Decrapifier as a part of your business? Go ahead and try out the free personal version first. If it suits your needs, pick up a CHEAP commercial use subscription.

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The PC Decrapifier provides a wizard style interface to help you choose and remove the garbage clogging up your computer. Nothing will be removed before you approve. You’ll be shown a checklist of recommendations first. You can even find out the top applications others remove.

Are you a PC technician or commercial business, tired of constantly wasting time removing pre-installed applications? The PC Decrapifier can help you speed up that process, saving you lots of time! Check out our inexpensive commercial use subscription.

Free (Non-Commercial)
1.90 MB.

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