City Car Driving Game

City Car Driving Game

City-Car-Driving-Game-screenshotFree download City Car Driving latest version. There are plenty of games available at the internet but City Car Driving is much different and one the loveliest games I have seen. It is just because of its cause for which it has been designed. The purpose of City Car Driving is to make people learned about the safe driving, rules and what to take care while driving. If you want to drive cars or any vehicle you must try it. It will proof much productive for you. Not only you can enjoy the game but you will also learn about driving and important rules and regulations about driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration declared a statement in 2010 that about 32,788 people died in 2010 on automobile accidents. And it was just because of carelessness of the drivers. SO, spread awareness the developer had structures City Car Driving Game which is totally based on real driving style.

Talking about the rules of City Car Driving, these are just based on the original traffic rules to make people aware about the safe drive. After installation you will have main menu comprising over different options like Career Mode, Profile Menu, Setting Menu and Drive Mode. You can change the graphic resolution and adjust the video quality of the game using setting options. You can control the sound option and make customize controls. You can also use the joystick for having real feelings while playing. You can customize and use different keys from your keyboard if you don’t have joysticks.

If you want to learn initially that how to drive the vehicle you have to choose Career Mode. In this mode you will have initial training to play the game. As I have already said that the game and its rules and regulation are almost same like the real traffic rules. So I think you would not face any problem to play this game amazingly.

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Its resemblance to real life makes it wonderful and you will surely have wonderful experience while playing the game. As in real life while driving you have to take care of traffic rules you have to do here same. You have to drive the car with the same strategy which you choose in real life. You have to put the proper gear, use brakes where needed, use race, lights and all other function which you have to perform in real life you have to do here.(Review by PCFavour)

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940.7 MB.

One Response

  1. Shehr yar08 Aug 2015

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