FBDesktop for PC

FBDesktop for PC

Free download FBDesktop for PC. It is an FB/Facebook application for your PC desktop. It is especially for busy persons as they are used to of their desktop. FBDesktop will fulfill your all needs as it name shows. Facebook is the most popular social website in the world and everybody knows it very well. It is introduced by Troy Technology.

FBDesktop-screenshotFBDesktop will allow you to access your Facebook account and do almost everything with this app like; new feed, status updates, albums, activities of your friends and chatting with your buddies. This app has three tabs on the top named; News Feeds, Friends and recent Chats. You can just have send or receive message, you can’t see whether your friend is typing or not. The chat list is managed in different way; you can search your friend with some of his information such as his work, city, institution name, job description and etc. It has separated option of ‘Recently Chatted Friends’. You’ll not find all your online friends at one place.

FBDesktop also allows you to see your friend’s profile, but for that purpose you have to login once again in web version of Facebook. It is a little bit slow to load all the things properly. FBdesktop is just like messengers with multiple options. When you’ minimize it then it will some headache for you t get back this app because it will to the task bar. Conversation can also b minimized in same manner. When you download this application then it will take some time for installation. After that you can enjoy a lot with this app.

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FBDesktop is basically a good app for those people who are chat lovers; although it needs some improvements in it like, it should be well managed and well optimized. Still it has some interesting thing which makes it excellent like it has instant notifications option. So, you can trust on this app, it would not disappoint you.(Review by pcfavour)

3.39 MB.
Troy Technology

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