MP3Resizer Download Latest Version

MP3Resizer Latest Version

Free download MP3Resizer latest version. As the technology is growing up, media storage is also increasing day by day. If we have a look behind two decades, there was no concept of huge storage for your media files. We had the storage in MBs only. Now it has been extended to TBs. We also can avail the small and micro storage media such as memory card and USB Pin/Flash drives. But the thirst of more storage will never end in a human being. MP3Resizer is the application that helps us to save our storage capacity as more as we can by resizing the media files of MP3 format. This format is very common which is used for music and sound of audio files. Using MP3Resizer, you can decrease the size of your MP3 files as low as you can.

MP2Resizer-screenshotWorking with this application is very simple and easy. It has user friendly GUI that helps you how you can add a file, where the output file will store, how much bitrate you want for output file. MP3Resizer also shows you the comparison between the size of old and new file. You can also add a complete folder of MP3 files to resize it.

To decrease the size of MP3 file, you need to decrease the Bitrate of that file. For example, if your MP3 file is of size 5 MB with bitrate of 128kbit, you can resize it to 3.8 MB by selecting its output bitrate as 96kbit. This change of bitrate will never decrease the sound quality of the file.

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You can also increase the quality of MP3 sound file by increasing the bitrate. This will cause the larger output file as compare to source file. The sound quality then may subject to your source file. If you source (old) file has very low quality, then it may increase the sound of the file but the quality will remain same. This is a 30 days free trial of MP3Resizer with fully working capability. You can purchase it if you need it for lifetime. (Review by pcfavour)

Free Trial (30 Days)
Windows / Mac
3 MB (Windows)
5.19 MB (Mac)

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