Transformers The Game Download

Transformers The Game

Download Transformers The Game free for PC. It is very outstanding third-person shooter game based on the story of English movie Transformers. Transformers The Game was developed by Traveller’s Tales and published by Activision. The graphics of the game are very outstanding and amazing. You will feel yourself the part of the game while playing.

Transformers-The-Game-screenshotTransformers The Game is very easy to play. As this is the demo version, so you only have the Bumblebee robot to control. You can play more and more this demo and enjoy well. When you starts Transformers The Game you will see some intro movie with some scenes. Then you will see the main menu of the game. It contains new game, load game, options and quit. New game menu will take you to the gameplay. You will see campaign and bonus features. All bonus features are unlocked however they will unlock one by one as you further play the game. You can select the only campaign of demo version “The Suburbs”.

Now the control of Bumblebee is in your hand. To move the player you have to use A, S, D and W keys from keyboards. To jump in the air, use spacebar but this will affect the ground and road much more than walking. You can transform your Bumblebee robot into a car using your mouse wheel. You will see a map at the bottom of the screen. Find your enemies with red marks and destroy them. They can be in the form of car. The target mark will become red when you will see an enemy. To attack it from far away use right click of mouse for light weapon and left click for heavy weapon.

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If your enemy robot is just close to you then keep using E key to attack until it destroys. During the fight you can pick up nearby car or a lamp post using Q key from keyboard and throw it on your enemy using the same key. To block the attack from opponent, use left shift button. You have to go to the green light or the mark on the map. When you enter it a battle will begin. Try to remain within the green circle zone according to map and destroy your all enemies. Then you can save your game and auto-save mode will be enabled.

Transformers The Game has entertained me a lot. I hope you will also enjoy it. You can easily change game controls from options but try to play at default. When I have installed it, it caused a problem of d3dx9_31.dll missing file. So I have installed DiretX End-User Runtime Web Installer and the problem was solved. If you face any problem then try to install it. If you find any other problem then re-install game or also check to restart your computer system. (Review by pcfavour)

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699.44 MB.

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